Homework help & useful websites
In addition to sending homework activities home, we provide online resources for your children to use to help support their learning outside of school. These resources can be accessed both in school and at home and are used to support the topics being covered in class.
Details of how to log on (including username and password) is usually stuck in your child's home/school journal.
We use the following websites across most year groups. Your child will be given a log in to the following maths websites which their class teacher will discuss with them. These sites may be used as part of maths learning time in school or for homework or extra learning activities.
Times Table Rockstars (a fun and carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice)
Numbots (develops a greater understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction to help children move from counting to calculating)
Sumdog (a variety of engaging maths games and activities which work at individual pupils’ skill levels)
My Maths (an interactive resource which is used alongside other maths resources to consolidate learning)
Prodigy (an adaptive maths game that integrates common-core maths in to a fantasy style game)
Accelerated Reader (helps us manage and monitor your child's independent reading practice)
Spelling Shed (aims to make spelling fun for children)
Sprowston Junior School blog (a secure blogging site managed by class teachers which is used to promote writing across a wider audience)
Useful websites:
We also recommend the following sites to support your children's learning:
BBC Bitesize (KS2) (a variety of learning activities, clips and games that support topics being covered in class)
White Rose Maths (daily ‘home learning’ lessons helping you support your child to enjoy and master maths both in school and at home)
Topmarks (a variety of interactive activities and games which cover topics across the curriculum)
Primary Homework Help (as well as being helpful for homework facts there are a number of interactive activities to support learning across a number of topics)
Each year group has a google classroom page which is used to support home learning. As with the other websites, log on details will be in your child's home/school journal.