In the first term, most of the children settled in quickly and they are developing a good attitude to learning.
In Art, the children enjoyed their work on the artist Kandinsky and in DT we are about halfway through building our electric train, which we will be continuing this term. In Science, we traced the history of life on earth, looking at various organisms as well as beginning our study of light.
At the end of the term, it was wonderful to finish off with a very joyful Christmas Carol Service at St Cuthberts Church. Lots of children also participated in interschool sporting competitions including football and cross-country as well as musical theatre's production of 'Straw and Order'.

In the spring term, we will be looking to build on last term’s successes.
Our Spring Curriculum:
Literacy: We will continue studying William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, which the children have been enjoying hugely. We will then move on learning about the Women's suffrage movement.
Maths: We will start by cementing our understanding of the four main operations before moving on to algebra, decimals, percentages and statistics.
Science: In Science, we will be finishing off our work on light and then investigating the exciting world of electricity.
History: We will be moving on to the terrible Tudors.
R.W.E: This term we are going to be learning about Judaism, focusing on its key beliefs and celebrations.
Art: We will complete our work on the Russian artist Kandinsky before exploring street art, centred around the work of the mysterious Banksy. .
Music: This term we will continue to develop children's understanding of written musical notation and we will then explore how Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is represented in a range of musical styles.
PE: In PE we will be looking at handball before moving on to football and tennis when the weather gets a little warmer.
More info on our curriculum can be found on the school website.