Wed 23rd - Year 3 parent lunch and tour - welcome from 11:30am
Thu 24th - Flu immunisations (all year groups), first session
Thur 24th - Last day of the half-term
Mon 4th - Second half of autumn term begins
Mon 4th - Ship Planning Exhibition (3:30pm - 5:30pm)
Tue 5th - Norwich East SSP Year 3-6 cross-country event at UEA Sportspark (9:30am - 1:00pm)
Wed 6th - Girls' football @ Firside - 3:30pm
Fri 7th - Building confidence workshop & coffee morning (9:30am)
w/c Mon 11th - Anti-Bullying week
Mon 11th - Parents' evening (3:30pm - 6:00pm)
Tue 12th - Anti-Bullying week (Odd Socks day)
Wed 13th - International Day (see below)
Wed 13th - Parents' evening (4:30pm - 7:00pm)
Thu 14th - Flu immunisations (all year groups), second session
Fri 15th - NPSAA cross-country race 2 (Falcon Junior)
Fri 15th - Children In Need
Fri 15th - Friends of SJS - Disco Bingo
Tue 19th - Ancient Greek Day - Year 3/4
Thu 28th - Year 5 Reading Cafe
Looking ahead...dates for your diary
Tuesday 10th Dec - Christmas Concert - Year 3/4 @ St Cuthbert's - 1:45pm (parents/carers welcome)
Wed 11th Dec - Christmas Concert - Year 5 & 6 @ St Cuthbert's - 1:45pm (parents/carers welcome)